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Category Archives: cooking

Window’s Down

Gahhh, this year is just about over! That means that I’ve been home for over a year now.. doesn’t really felt like I left! Shucks.. shouldah stayed in Sydney for another year or two. But no point in ‘what if’s’ aye? To be honest, I’m ready for 2010 to be over… what a year it’s been… bring on 2011 and AO baby! Can’t think of a better way to kick start the year 🙂

Quick recap in dot point form… just cause I can, heh.

  • 15/12 – K leaves on her second European adventure, which means she’ll be spending Christmas, her birthday and NYE in different countries! LUCKY ASS. 🙂
  • 18/12 – Pre-xmas dinner with my lovely ‘C’s’ and respective partners with a little karaoke to end off the night, woot woot!
  • 19/12 – Boom Box tour feat. Kevjumba, Lydia Paek, JRA and others. Heh…. lets just say… ‘so that’s what it feels like to be at a Bieber concert’. UGHboombox tour, kevjumba, timothy delaghettoboombox tour, lydia paek, jra
    J.R. Aquino – By Chance – very impressive!
  • 23/12 – Work lunch then went to watch an ice hockey match
  • 24/12 – Sushi train lunch, xmas eve din dins and opening pressies at midnight
    xmas 2010xmas treatsxmas dinner - chicken with spinach and pine nut stuffing
  • 25/12 – xmas lunch with phuongie and peoples.. food comas to the maximums!xmas 2010xmas lunch, ham, chicken, prawnslulu gifted
    Phuong’s dog Lulu getting gifted… hahaha
  • 26/12 – boxing day bbq at cousins
  • 28/12 – sales and lunch at the botanic gardens restaurant – highlight of the day? MY KICKS! Been eyeing them all year, so caved when they were on sale. Woot woot
  • 30/12 – locking myself indoors to avoid the 39c heat outside… bracing for a killer NYE… 43/27C degrees… oh lordy lord!



Sleep Away

The fortnight that was:

Last last weekend, friends and I hit it up at the Master Chef Master Class in the Adelaide Hills – Bird in Hand winery for a canape degustation, some wine and some celebrity shoulder rubbing. Ohhellsyeah. Got to mingle with a number of the Master Chef contestants from this years show: Alvin, Jonathan, Marion, Adele, Claire and Adele. What a fantastic night! 😉

Pictures to boot:

bird in hand winery, master chef master class

master chef master class, bird in hand, alvin

master chef master class, bird in hand, alvin
First canape for the night, and my absolute favourite: Alvins seared scallop with lemongrass and lime salt.

master chef master class, bird in hand, jonathan

master chef master class, bird in hand, marion

master chef master class, bird in hand, adele

master chef master class, bird in hand, claire

master chef master class, bird in hand, skye
I am SO BUMMED I didn’t get a better pic of Skye’s dessert. It was soooooooo pretty! But my brain, at this stage was all mush. Fail.

As the night went on, photos dried up a bit. I blame the wine! Shhh, we know mixing is a bad idea, but hey, if they’re pouring, we’re drinking!

No hiking that weekend (2 weekends in a row – FML) – given that I made myself any excuse to get away from it. Minor hang over, late night, it’s raining outside – that all seemed to do the trick! Heh. Scored myself a new lens for the camera resulting in a major depletion in the bank account – pay day, hurry up please! Said bank account needs a recharge! Also squeezed in a catch up yum cha with the lovely L and Noms who I haven’t seen in so longggggg. ❤ Oh, and dumped kdramas over Noms house… she churned through 16 episodes of My Girlfriend is a Gumiho within the span of 24hours. HAHAHA I LOVE THAT GIRL. Hoy-hoy! (A record in my books, even if she ffwd the Chow Yun Fat version 2.0 and Aunt scenes)

The weekend just past is in stark contrast to that of previous. I literally stayed in bed all day on Saturday. Literally. Woke up, stayed in bed, brushed my teeth, climbed back into bed, had brunch, climbed back into bed, had dinner, climbed back into bed… 10 oclock peeps at the top right hand corner of my laptop – and I think it’s time to shower and wash up… ready for bed! Hahaha.

Yesterday… different story. I had the option of hitting the shops and getting myself a hot dog or going on my much needed hike (I had a fat moment). So, with every ounce of fat in me, I opted for the latter. (GO ME!) Whilst trekking the Lofty path, every 10m or so, I’d come across a pile of poo pellets. Now, a workmate has told me that wombat poop are actually square in shape – and square they are! The pellets I saw were more like… pebbles that could have passed as rounded square shaped poop. (HAHAH – poo rant) With about 420m of trekking to go, I see this big brown furry thing in the forest beside me… It’s a wild kangaroo – or roos – there were two!! Hahaha… so those pellets I kept seeing along the way were really roo poos. Interesting. 😛

mount lofty, wild kangaroos
Kangaroo butt

Anyone get any trick or treaters yesterday? There were a few witches and ghosts in my neighbourhood: see exhibit A:

But we had our fence closed seeing that we had no lollies to hand out. Maybe next year.. maybe.

Mondayitis nipped my in the butt last night but alas, the day is over! Am looking forward to the next one already!! Woohoooo.

Psst… I have the car for work tomorrow, that means I get to sleep in! OMG. SLEEP IN. ❤



Oh mwahahaha!

If you follow me on tumblr, twitter and/ or fb, you may have heard the news. I am OFFICIALLY jobbed as a web designer/ developer! PSYCH! Now, time to build up some leave for a much needed holiday! Hahahah My first day will kick off on Monday next week, am looking forward to it… so for now, I’m going to make the most of staying out in the city during lunch and brief shopping trips. 🙂

I must say I had a really great weekend. Hiked as per usual with an extra attendee this time around, who might I add was extremely impressive with no breaks; and he was just a minute behind me! IMPRESSIVE.

Caught up with my girl Phuong and Nghi for brunch listening to Phuong’s adventure in Europe… which only makes me want to go NOW. NOW NOW NOW. I’m like a kid throwing a tantrum cause she wants to go O/S! Hahahha.. all in due time I suppose. 🙂

poached eggs, etc, east terrace continental
Brunch at ETC, soft poached eggs… nom nom nom~

chanel bag
One of Phuongie’s splurges whilst she was in Paris! ❤

Spent a shit load of money on clothes over the weekend – literally a shopping spree online AND offline. 2 x shoes, 3 x tops, 2 x skirts and a dress… and there’s still 18 items on my eBay watch list! Missed out on a few items… but maybe it’s a good thing for my poor wallet. Le sigh.

Ladakh top
One of my purchases – Ladakh striped top with gold buttons ❤

Made steak with C and J yesterday, spoilt ourselves with a bottle of Rosemount O and topped it off with a rainbow paddlepop. Oh booya! Finished the arvo off with a marathon of Greys’ Anatomy and my gosh, what a season finale. A bit.. WTF – in terms of a stupid SWAT team but nevertheless, great episodeeee! Avery, you are fine!

Hope this week flies by for everyone!


Le Be Be Que

Piccies from last weeks farewell BBQ for our dear friend, W. Oh what fun was had and the food was yummos tooo! =)~

W, looks like we may be seeing you soon! Either in HK or when both you and your other half come to visit!

Easter BBQ

Opening the bag of charcoal briquette

easter bbq

Pour thy contents into cauldron

easter bbq

Fan frantically

easter bbq

And that, boys and girls, is how you start a BBQ.... hahahah!!

dip and bread

Spinach, cream, sour cream, chestnuts and spring onion dip with bread, delish!


C's salad

spring rolls and thai fish cakes

Spring rolls and Thai fish cakes

the girls

See you W!! ❤



It’s Friday tomorrow!! HELLSYEAH.



Last weekend was cookfest Saturday. Sadly I didn’t take any pictures of our mains as I was cooking all day and eating and drinking was only on my mind by then! I made some awesome, yes… awesome garlic sauce like the ones I had at Habib’s in Bankstown, Sydney accompanied with a roast chicken and Lebanese bread. I also attempted to make teriyaki chicken with coke… yes – COKE! Result? Success and absolute deliciousness… mmmmMMm! Lovely Nomi dropped by and helped with some prepping, the parentals tended over the stove and came in with spring rolls in VN prawn crackers, Hannah came with chicken satay sticks with peanut sauce and C came with garlic bread and ingredients to make a homemade Caesar salad! Phew… now that entrees and mains are out of the way… we have dessert made by Tina:

Lime and white chocolate creme caramel

Lime and white chocolate creme caramel - YUM!!! My mum absolutely loved this and was constantly asking Tina on how to make this... which reminds me, I still need to get the recipe from her.. hahah =D

Cause we’re such awesome cooks, we helped C make cupcakes for L’s birthday the following day. Fool proof cupcake concoction out of a box! Gotta love it. 😉

Vanilla cupcakes with chocolate frosting and m&m's

Vanilla cupcakes with chocolate frosting and m&m's made by and us girls.

Dessert at Rigoni's

Dessert at Rigoni's

Oh, anyone fans of Lipton ice tea peach flavoured? I got a few bottles of these for Saturday, gave the pop a sip who commented that it tasted strange and was convinced he didn’t like it. Next morning, I come downstairs and the bottle’s empty… he’s now secretly addicted to it! Hahahha.. which reminds me, I should buy some more and stock up the fridge. 🙂 It’s Friday tomorrow! Huzzah, any plans for the weekend?
